Per Stam, Stockholm | Henry Parland – a Baltic Poet?

Sa 15.09.2018 | 11:30 Uhr | Rathaus Rostock


Henry Parland – a Baltic Poet?

Henry Parland (1908–1930) is regarded as one of the most important Finland-Swedish modernist authors in Finland. He wrote in Swedish, but his works have been translated into German, English, French, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Dutch, Spanish and Finnish.

Parland was born in Russia, became a writer in Finland, and spent the last years of his life in Lithuania. In Helsinki, Parland was part of the circle of writers who published the avant-garde magazine Quosego. He also published a collection of poem, Ideals Clearance, before his exile in Kaunas, Lithuania. In Kaunas he wrote literary and cultural essays, published in both Lithuania and Finland, a modernist novel, To Pieces (on the developing of Velox paper), and several poems that describe life in his new country. He started to act on the Lithuanian literary field and his poems were translated into Lithuanian – and also into Latvian and Russian. Should we therefore start calling Henry Parland a Baltic Poet?


Per Stam

  • Born in Vansbro, Sweden in 1964
  • PhD in Literature, Uppsala University
  • Editor in Chief at The Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University, and Research fellow at The Society of Swedish Literature in Finland, Helsinki
  • Introducción, in August Strindberg, Una mirada al Universo. Ensayos sobre alquimia, ciencias naturales, misticismo, fotografia y pintura, ed. Carles Magrinyà, 2016; Ed., Henry Parland, Sönder (om framkallning av Veloxpapper), 2005/2014; Ed., August Strindberg, Vivisektioner II, 2011


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